At Concordia,
We Worship, Grow, Care, and Share.

Worship Ministry
To Worship Christ is
at the heart of what we do.
Regular attendance in worship and hearing God's truth proclaimed is vital to our life of faith. We are always looking for people to help us in worship with music, ushering, altar guild, technology, and more!
Contact Pastor Doug Croucher
pastordoug@concordiachurch.org | ext. 101

Grow Ministry
Being in God's Word is of the utmost importance! It strengthens our faith, shows us the heart of our God, and teaches us how to live as faithful followers of Christ. Contact us today to get involved with a Bible Study
here at Concordia!
Contact Pastor Joe Reineke
pastorjoe@concordiachurch.org | ext. 109

Care Ministry
When one member of the body is sick, the whole body suffers. At Concordia, we seek not only to care for our congregation, but also our community as well. Contact us today to find out how you can be the hands and
feet of Christ!
Contact Amy Kaschinske
akaschinske@concordiachurch.org | ext. 107

Share Ministry
Proclaiming the Gospel is the mission of the church. Here at Concordia, Sharing Christ doesn't just happen on occasion; it's part of how we live. Contact us today to get involved with a share ministry, or to learn better ways to share Christ in your own life with others.
Contact Pastor Doug Croucher
pastordoug@concordiachurch.org | ext. 101

Youth Ministry
Ministry isn't just for the Adults! Here at Concordia we have ministry opportunities and programs for all ages, from children's ministry to youth group for ages 5-6, 7-8, and 9-12.
For Children's Ministry, Contact Langleigh Cummins
lcummins@concordiachurch.org | ext. 129
For Youth Ministry, contact Micah Rauch
mrauch@clscubs.org | ext. 442